View Full Version : It wasn't a Deer, it was the Valet

Viper Girl
01-20-2016, 11:37 AM

How not to drive a Lamborghini Aventador.

Lesson learned: Maybe it’s not such a good idea to take a stranger’s Lamborghini (http://www.motortrend.com/cars/lamborghini/) for an aggressive joyride around town.
A valet driver in Florida found that out the hard way after he was handed the keys to a shiny red Aventador (http://www.motortrend.com/news/hp-lamborghini-aventador-superveloce-revealed-in-geneva/). According to witnesses, the valet over-revved the engine while cruising down the streets of South Beach. The Lambo caught fire soon afterward, gathering quite a bit of attention from wandering passersby.
A man soon rushed over with a fire extinguisher to put out the flames, but it was too late to stop the damage. Needless to say, that’s going to be one expensive repair bill. After a crowd rushes over to take the obligatory close-up shots, the damaged car was pushed down the street to safety.
No word yet on what will happen to the valet or to the poor Lambo. Watch the video below to see how badly the $400,000 car was damaged.

01-20-2016, 11:52 AM
Has been on CNN and the Weather Channel all morning.


TA Two Oh
01-20-2016, 01:21 PM
Too bad about the Lamborghini. "According to witnesses, the valet over-revved the engine" That shouldn't be possible in that car as they aren't offered with manual transmissions and the automatic won't respond to requests that will over-rev it. The guy definitely shouldn't have been joyriding in the car, but the fire might not have been his fault.

Red Snake
01-20-2016, 02:01 PM
If he wasnt supposed to be driving it, it was 100% his fault.

Fatboy 18
01-20-2016, 02:25 PM
Car should NOT catch fire!

No doubt the Valet got his ass flamed! :stickmen_burningsti

Viper Girl
01-20-2016, 03:22 PM
I do everything I can NOT to use Valet, but sometimes it's unavoidable and the best choice rather than leaving the car in a parking garage...

All HP cars should have a black key and a red key... IMO

TA Two Oh
01-20-2016, 06:06 PM
I do everything I can NOT to use Valet, but sometimes it's unavoidable and the best choice rather than leaving the car in a parking garage...

All HP cars should have a black key and a red key... IMO

I always try to talk them into leaving my car right out front. I tell them that it's good for business. But I've stayed at Hotels that don't allow that, and don't allow Self Parking. Sucks.

01-20-2016, 07:06 PM
How many Lambos are we going to get to watch go up in flames?

01-20-2016, 10:40 PM
Don't those aventados spit fire anyway out of their pipes? So could it have anything to do with that? Like he revved too much without driving and those flames hit some oil or spilled gasoline or something like that? I mean, it's not like you jam it into first when you shouldn't and bend a rod like on our cars. And even doing that doesn't cause a fire. Just a seriously hurt motor.

I usually find Valets let me leave the car out front,mespecially when you tip them well at the beginning. It doesn't take long for them to know you then too and just be prepared as soon as you pull up. Sucks it's wrecked, but it should be covered by the Valet company's or the hotel's insurance and shouldn't cost the owner a penny.

As a valet, isn't taking it for an unauthorized ride charged as Auto theft? Just because I gave you the keys willingly for a specific purpose doesn't mean it isn't theft. You drop your car off at the Viper tech, and they can take a test drive all well and good, but if they don't have implied permission to take it to another city or out for personal errands or anything like that.