View Full Version : Club Elections

Asp Man
01-02-2016, 11:45 AM
Just a reminder to those who frequent the forums.

Our President, Jim Tait, has sent out an email asking for nominations to the regional board of directors. If you did not get that email, I can forward it to you, email me at: aspman1997@yahoo.com

I want to encourage all of the members to consider either putting forward a name of a member that they feel would be a good candidate as an officer in the club or offering themselves up for a position.

The positions:
- Regional President.
- Regional Vice President
- Regional Treasurer
- Regional Secretary/Events Coordinator

Nominations are open until January 10, 2016. Please act quickly!

Any member in good standing is able to sit on the board, and any current member is able to nominate any other member. Don't be shy! I know that there are many of you who would be a great asset to the club by sitting for term.
I have been VP for longer than I can remember, and it has been a great experience! The current board has been sitting over two full terms, and I have been VP long before.
Email your nominations to our treasurer, Todd Baker, his email was on the one Jim sent New Years Eve. I will monitor this forum for questions/responses.