View Full Version : VCA Forum Fairies Strike Again!

Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 06:39 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

12-20-2013, 06:51 AM
yeah they are back on the rampage.. i was put into moderated status the other day.

12-20-2013, 06:52 AM
Why are we even interested in what they are doing. Leave them alone.


12-20-2013, 06:59 AM
Why are we even interested in what they are doing. Leave them alone.

If they intend to sue that is something that does concern people on this site.

Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 07:09 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

12-20-2013, 07:09 AM
I think these endless 'battle updates' need to go to a different area of this forum.

This is the 'general' section pertaining to Vipers in general.

When I first got on this new site it was refreshing that the discussions were back to what it should be....our cars !

Lately it appears that several members keep bringing up the issues, old and new, between the clubs.

That may in fact interest some people, but should go to some other place on this site (membership news maybe) other than an area that is car related.


Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 07:29 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

12-20-2013, 07:41 AM

'General' says right underneath it 'General discussion topics relating to Dodge/SRT Vipers'

I personally feel that this is very much Car related

'Membership information and news' may be a better place since this probably pertains to more of the political end of the club activities.

I certainly don't think that this isn't important, but when I check in on the site in the morning I am doing so to have a relaxing morning and read about something that I enjoy.......the Cars

Instead I get to read about stuff that is political and controversial and that definitely isn't a good way to start the day.

Sure.....I don't have to read it but same as a news paper...if I want to read about 'world news' I don't care about having all the football scores from last weekend in that section


12-20-2013, 08:01 AM
Well, it's obvious, the old club (I was a member from 2001 to 2013) was&is all about money, past and present.
Put them on IGNORE except you were an officer of a region that changed to the bright side, the VOA.

12-20-2013, 08:23 AM
One solution for a club that is switching, is spend the money before the end of the year. Party for the members or a package of Viper stuff from Jon B, if bylaws allow.

Newport Viper
12-20-2013, 08:27 AM
One solution for a club that is switching, is spend the money before the end of the year. Party for the members or a package of Viper stuff from Jon B, if bylaws allow.

Or refund a % members since we didn't get Mags

Sybil TF
12-20-2013, 08:50 AM
Why are we even interested in what they are doing. Leave them alone.


Yeah, who cares. Let it burn...

12-20-2013, 09:00 AM
Unfortunately, I don't think the forum location of any "VOA/VCA comparative" posts is going to make much of a difference. IMO, it would be even worse to open a specific forum for this kind of discussion. That would likely invite even more discussion. Such threads and discussion are no doubt useful for some (i.e., as a means to vent years of frustration and outrage) and entertaining for others (the prior most suits me). But this forum is designed to be "lightly moderated" so if folks here want to post their thoughts and opinions (negative as they may be) about the "clubs", they are as welcome as those that would far prefer to read and discuss Viper specific topics.

I would presume (my personal opinion only) that the "clubs matter" will persist well into 2014 when hopefully there will be some shakeout and the interest and discussion will be more historical in nature?

12-20-2013, 09:14 AM
IMHO if people want to complain about the VCA, head over to the Alley.

This thread is no better than BobP complaining about the VOA endlessly. (No offense to you Sam)

VOA needs to move forward. I've made the same critique of the VCA - they need to stop complaining about the VOA.

Just tired of the sorority type of drama.

12-20-2013, 09:23 AM
Unfortunately, when the leadership of the VCA posts a public threat of legal action to every region who is changing association in 2014, it's relevant to VOA members. Thus it gets talked about.

Having to deal with this at the local / regional level has the potential to take precious time away from planning events and creating a positive Viper experience. I know each region considered the ramifications of changing their association, understood their bylaws and the laws of their state regarding either name changes or fund disbursement upon dissolution, so I personally don't see this as an issue.

I hope the reality of the scope of following through on something truly actionable (both in time and money) and lack of legitimacy of this threat will drive this quickly into history.

As long as the discussion stays respectful and forward moving, I think it's (sadly) important. JMHO

Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 09:36 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

12-20-2013, 09:59 AM
Why are we even interested in what they are doing. Leave them alone.

Bruce Second that, The members of the VCA are viper owners -- I'll drink with the members anytime. Sam, be constructive and put a Roe Supercharger on your Viper and fix the chips on the front.

Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 10:00 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 10:08 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

12-20-2013, 10:26 AM
Any issues that have to do with legality or money should not be posted in a public place for all to see. We need to keep our house clean here and let the right folks handle legal problems, not splatter mis information and rumor here.

Let them do what they want. I do not even like mentioning any other clubs here unless they have something good to contribute.


12-20-2013, 10:47 AM
We want a place to share information. And while I don't want our forums to get poised by too much of the stuff going on with the VCA, its of course news. I'll add that in recent days several people who belong to those forums have now been moderated (some without being told). So we're back to censorship because several new and continuing events are creating a lot of bad press for them. And some of those things might be important to people. Frankly with all the topics on this site already, I don't want this to be taboo. I don't want to "slam" the other group nor do I want infighting between our own members here. But facts, opinions, and recent happenings should be shared.

Believe me, there is a lot I can share on this subject and all of the officers agreed we're not going to get into details because mudslinging isn't our style. But it needs to be known that there is a ton of misinformation being shared by that group. And to some degree it's good to have at least some discussion. I don't blame people for being passionate about this subject. Admittedly one of the hardest things I've personally had to do is bit my lip and endure slander, accusations, name calling, and misinformation being spread about us by the other group. There is a LOT I could publish - especially if I were to share emails and documentation which would be incredibly damaging to them... But that's a game we're not going to get drawn into, as they've done far more damage themselves in pushing people away with attacks, and they've stepped up their game even more the last couple weeks as desperation sets in and they realize the new challenges they're going to have. And as for recent promises they've made and progress they're communicating, I'm not going to comment - but I assure you it's spun and I'm going to let the very near future play out because that is the best way to prove those virtues are misrepresented.

Because the culture of the club is important to me, and it's one of the things I'm personally focused on changing with the advent of the new club, I just want to say this... I don't mind a debate and topics to be brought up on the forums, but let's not attack (not that anyone really has) each other. There are going to be a lot of topics put on these forums that are unpopular. Be regardless of content, I don't want the hate that has been exhibited for so long on the VCA websites, nor due I want to allow it to get as crude as the Alley. Debate is fine, but let's not jump on people. And in this case, Sam's motivation is to help THIS club, anyone who is a supporter - is a friend. And I want us all to get along especially in those cases.

12-20-2013, 10:50 AM
I concur with Bruce and Alex.

12-20-2013, 11:26 AM
We are ALL moving forward with this great new club and things are going to be fine.

Now I have to get started on ordering things for your membership packets! :)

With 50% of the banner sales and $10 of the sale of each t-shirt, we are approaching the $700 mark as a donation to the VOA to help with start up expenses. Thank you Sam, and all of you who are purchasing merchandise.


12-20-2013, 11:34 AM
Thanks Alex, well stated!

Like any other life event, even though this is not referring to a human life, but a club life event, it will just take time to heal and dissipate. I suspect there will be discussions like this especially through 1Q, 2014. After that, the snow melts, the warm weather comes out and VOA events with cars will be in full swing. Once that happens, the VCA and the concerns will be a distant memory, hence no need to discuss anymore. Even if there is a legal junction, it will be a matter of due course and will be underway, not threats for reactions as now.

Either way the VOA should be fine and I am happy to see that some discussion is being allowed on this subject. To bury it, would create hard feelings and it manifests in other areas. Talk about it and remove the taboo, then it goes away.

12-20-2013, 01:11 PM
That part of the issue is National VCA, the regions didn't have anything to do with the "missing" magazines! The avatar is a GORGEOUS family picture (all of them Viper Red?). Niiice.

Sam Goldfarb
12-20-2013, 01:23 PM
The avatar is a GORGEOUS family picture (all of them Viper Red?). Niiice.

Actually only the Viper is Viper Red. The 1 ton 4x4 V-10 dually is Flame red(factory) and the 1/2 ton with a Gen I Viper engine is also Flame Red.

12-20-2013, 06:28 PM
Why are we even interested in what they are doing. Leave them alone.


what he said, geez!

12-20-2013, 08:07 PM
what she said !

12-20-2013, 11:45 PM
i care to hear to all sides on this

12-20-2013, 11:46 PM
Is there only one side? Just asking

Sam Goldfarb
12-21-2013, 01:24 AM
All negative comments about VCA have been removed by author! It is juvenile, not funny and makes the VOA look bad. The VOA reserves all rights to make itself look bad!

12-21-2013, 04:41 AM
I joined here to NOT hear about "my ex" haha!

12-21-2013, 08:05 AM

Do VCA Fairies wear boots? (I was listening to Black Sabbath this am with Ronnie James Dio singing)


I think the information interests all and should be a noted. Sam is a very good person to remind all of us, yes somewhere a fiscal loss is possible or evident. At the same time, having some parties trying to exacerbate the issue is not an effective method of discussion. So while we should know all sides, asking if everyone knows it is very unwanted. It leaves the impression that someone has a hidden agenda and wished to "spin" events in his or her way.

Sybil TF
12-21-2013, 08:54 AM
I agree with most of what you are saying,and I am not saying that Enthusiasts can't or shouldn't be here. BUT, if they are not VOA members then their opinions should be limited to things other than about club business.

Waiting to see if I get banned before I join:p

12-21-2013, 10:48 AM
While we don't necessarily care about the minutia all regions need to keep a wary eye out for lawsuits. Anyone with $300 can file a lawsuit and see where it goes. I honestly believe the purported VCA demand to return the money is garbage because the dues were paid for 2013 and all regions remained members of VCA thru 12/31/13. Furthermore they kept their % and sent the regions most of their % (I am not sure all regions got their entire disbursement for 2013) per the agreement between VCA and the regions therefore there is no cause of action but as my sage attorney told me years ago "you can beat the rap but not the ride".