View Full Version : Jon B "Parts Rack" saved the day on my New ACR Extreme

ACR Steve
11-19-2015, 07:36 PM
So I don't do this much but I have to give a big thanks to Jon B (Parts Rack)

So I had my car in to have it Xpel clear wrapped. While they were wrapping the hood one of the clips that the ACR's come with to take on and off the 6 hood vent grills was lost. The installer felt horrible and tried calling several Dodge dealerships with the grill part number only to be told its not in there systems. If its not in there system they said the part doesn't exist. As soon as the installer told me I knew the only guy in the world that could possibly get it for me would be Jon B. If he couldn't do it I was out of luck and would have to figure out another way to keep the grill in.

Next call was to Jon. He thought about it for a second and said I think I might just know how to get it. He would call me back. I thanked him for going out of his way and hung up knowing that at least there was a fighting chance that he would get it. I figured I would hear from him in a day or so if he had any luck. Well I get a call back in a couple of minutes. "I got your part, don't ask how, where or how much just confirm where you want me to ship too? It will take a couple of days I need to have them shipped to me first"

I thanked him very much and told him what ever it cost to have it shipped to him, then me, his time and the part cost I am happy to pay.

Well I get my invoice and tracking number yesterday. The invoice say "0" charge and it will be here in a couple of days.

This just doesn't happen anymore. A true ambassador to our great cars and a true gentlemen. I owe you my friend and appreciate it very much.

Please support guys like this . Its rare that we come across them.

Jon B and our other great Viper vendors on this site it makes owning a Viper that much more rewarding

Thank You

11-19-2015, 07:51 PM
Jon is awesome, helps me out all the time!!! More than happy to give him my business!

Boba Fett
11-19-2015, 08:17 PM
steve who wrapped the car?

Boba Fett
11-19-2015, 08:18 PM
And also props to you Jon B

11-19-2015, 08:20 PM
So I don't do this much but I have to give a big thanks to Jon B (Parts Rack)

So I had my car in to have it Xpel clear wrapped. While they were wrapping the hood one of the clips that the ACR's come with to take on and off the 6 hood vent grills was lost. The installer felt horrible and tried calling several Dodge dealerships with the grill part number only to be told its not in there systems. If its not in there system they said the part doesn't exist. As soon as the installer told me I knew the only guy in the world that could possibly get it for me would be Jon B. If he couldn't do it I was out of luck and would have to figure out another way to keep the grill in.

Next call was to Jon. He thought about it for a second and said I think I might just know how to get it. He would call me back. I thanked him for going out of his way and hung up knowing that at least there was a fighting chance that he would get it. I figured I would hear from him in a day or so if he had any luck. Well I get a call back in a couple of minutes. "I got your part, don't ask how, where or how much just confirm where you want me to ship too? It will take a couple of days I need to have them shipped to me first"

I thanked him very much and told him what ever it cost to have it shipped to him, then me, his time and the part cost I am happy to pay.

Well I get my invoice and tracking number yesterday. The invoice say "0" charge and it will be here in a couple of days.

This just doesn't happen anymore. A true ambassador to our great cars and a true gentlemen. I owe you my friend and appreciate it very much.

Please support guys like this . Its rare that we come across them.

Jon B and our other great Viper vendors on this site it makes owning a Viper that much more rewarding

Thank You
Yup agreed! Top marks for JonB!

11-19-2015, 08:27 PM
I caught a nail 100 miles from home on Tuesday. Filled with the fix a flat in the rear, called JonB on my drive home at 255. I had two replacement front tires at my door by 230 the next day. Now, getting them mounted - that is another story :)


Russ Oasis
11-19-2015, 09:35 PM
Not only that, but Jon B. supports racers. He's sponsored my car for as long as I can remember. He's a first class guy, all the way.

11-19-2015, 09:44 PM
John B is the best at what he does and is a real asset to this community. People like him are few and far between.

11-20-2015, 02:43 AM
I caught a nail 100 miles from home on Tuesday. Filled with the fix a flat in the rear, called JonB on my drive home at 255. I had two replacement front tires at my door by 230 the next day. Now, getting them mounted - that is another story :)


Jon is the man, and he has helped me as well. No better service anywhere. Sorry to hear about your tire - these damn things pick up everything!

Fatboy 18
11-20-2015, 03:47 AM
JonB helped me out with my Half Shafts, mega fast shipping 5 stars from me :)

11-20-2015, 04:20 AM
I've only made one order for parts and used Jon he was a great help and very friendly, being international he even sorted they shipping which was very much appreciated. The swII wheels he had with mounted Hoosiers were awesome and I can't wait to get the car out on track when the weather is good.

Thanks Jon and when it comes time for me to order a new acr I'll be calling you.

11-20-2015, 05:36 AM
So, who is John B?

11-20-2015, 05:43 AM
jonb at partsrack


11-20-2015, 09:07 AM
So, who is John B?

Are you being serious?!? ;)

11-20-2015, 10:06 AM
jon b? jonny b good for getting you parts

JonB ~ PartsRack
11-20-2015, 12:49 PM
Extreme Cuteness!

Steve, et-al, THANKS for the kind words. "Made My Day'......[when I needed a boost,] thanks....

JonB ~ PartsRack
11-20-2015, 12:50 PM



11-20-2015, 01:04 PM
So, who is John B?

So below your question was the link to his website. And before you say what ever it is you're looking for isn't on the site, don't worry, none of the cool shit is......

He manages to get his hands on all things Viper that are hard to get. It's always worth a phone call. And if he knows where you can get it cheaper, he'll send you elsewhere, a real class act.

Jon B is a lot of Viper owners' first call, mine included. His number has been in my phone for almost 10 years.

JonB ~ PartsRack
11-24-2015, 05:47 PM
So below your question was the link to his website. And before you say what ever it is you're looking for isn't on the site, don't worry, none of the cool shit is......

He manages to get his hands on all things Viper that are hard to get. It's always worth a phone call. And if he knows where you can get it cheaper, he'll send you elsewhere, a real class act.

Jon B is a lot of Viper owners' first call, mine included. His number has been in my phone for almost 10 years.

Wow, Thank You.

PS I do a terrible job of keeping of up the website! An email works great at finding whats not on the site... JonB@PartsRack.com Thank YOu

11-24-2015, 09:14 PM
Steve, that's great to hear, and +1 for Jon recently helping me out bigtime! Some unexpected repairs to my car became necessary in August. (Just got her back 4 days ago). Thanks to JonB's parts, knowledge, and generosity with advice, I came out of it with much more than I could have hoped - would not have been possible without him!

11-24-2015, 09:25 PM
I don't know how he does it, it's like there's 10 of him haha.

JonB ~ PartsRack
12-02-2015, 05:07 PM
Steve, that's great to hear, and +1 for Jon recently helping me out bigtime! Some unexpected repairs to my car became necessary in August. (Just got her back 4 days ago). Thanks to JonB's parts, knowledge, and generosity with advice, I came out of it with much more than I could have hoped - would not have been possible without him!

Wow again, and Thanks, Man..........Ive been on a bummer for 2 months, and these attaboys may just postpone my retirement! Sincere thanks for taking the time. Psychology Today sez that Complaints are 9X more likely than Compliments... So my mind multiplies this kindness by 9 !

12-02-2015, 09:12 PM
Wow again, and Thanks, Man..........Ive been on a bummer for 2 months, and these attaboys may just postpone my retirement! Sincere thanks for taking the time. Psychology Today sez that Complaints are 9X more likely than Compliments... So my mind multiplies this kindness by 9 !

Only 9 times more likely? I would have figured complaints to be 20 times at least!

12-03-2015, 05:35 AM
The Viper world will never be the same if Jon retires. I won't know who to call when need something. Please keep up the compliments. He deserves them and the Viper world needs someone like Jon!

12-03-2015, 06:33 AM
I called Jon because I needed winshield wipers. He said he had so,do his last set off the shelf and had no more in stock. I said I was heading out on a long drive soon so if there is anything he can do, it would be appreciated. 2 days later the wipers showed up, sent directly. Just showed up like a present.,

For those of you who read the story about my recovery in the Viper magazine, you read about the help he gave me. I can't overstate the difference he made in helping me get back into the community. He has been like a brother to me through this and is still my first call for any part, big or small.

For all you new to the Viper community, he is a great resource for all things Viper, big or small or in between. Tires, exhaust, or some obscure clip, he either has it or knows where to get it. Also, he tends to beat the dealer price by a substantial amount.

12-08-2015, 06:52 PM
I caught a nail 100 miles from home on Tuesday. Filled with the fix a flat in the rear, called JonB on my drive home at 255. I had two replacement front tires at my door by 230 the next day. Now, getting them mounted - that is another story :)


Just so you know they are gonna have a had time getting them balanced with that little one in there.