View Full Version : Registrations Moving Fast... And a thanks

11-02-2015, 02:58 PM
It was funny as we sat watching the server when we opened as we knew there would be an initial rush, we could see things creeping along as were having dozens of registrants per minute and it made the forums and our website drag. I'm happy to report not a single technical glitch (and there was a lot of custom code created for the various options and stepped registration approach). One of the common questions is, how many have registered so far. While we want to keep some mystery because we have our 1-500 drawing for the hotel stay, I will say.... I'm happy to thank the HUNDREDS of people who have already registered - in LESS than a 10 hour period. WOW! We opened the middle of the day on a SUNDAY, and just in 10 hours it was nuts, we sold over 30% in a DAY (and actually in a matter of half a day).

And we have a nice hotel drawing which is a huge chunk of change for the lucky winner with a 1-in-500 chance of winning (and even better odds if you have guests). So for those looking to take advantage of that, you still have a little more time. And please help us get the word out as emails often go to junk mail (and ATT and SBC emails are currently being blocked).

The day to day can be tough, but it's so reinvigorating to see a significant accomplishment for the many behind the scenes who help to make all this happen (and I'm in no way the one bearing the majority of the brunt of this). My kudos to the group who have worked on this over TWO YEARS (literally planning this while we were planning NVE 1). They really helped plan this out in great detail and make commitments so that we can be well ahead of the curve. Because of that, we've been able to announce the location of NVE2 AT NVE1 (and we'll continue that tradition...!). And for NVE2 we had such a great head start which allows people to have plenty of time to plan their trips, clubs to plan their caravans, and to have plenty of time to register (and we do believe 1000 spots SHOULD hold us).

My hat is off to that, it's hard not to procrastinate and so much happens in the background. I HAVE to a express a genuine special thanks to those helping (website, merchandise, marketing, forums, contract negotiation, site visits, communication, sponsors, food planning, tours, track, car transport, parking, security, registration, gifts, car drawing, decorations, etc, etc...). I hope I don't offend all those helping, but I do want to acknowledge 2 people truly carrying the burden of a lot of this event - and they started 2 years ago with planning. My hat is off to Ed Bowser and Maurice Liang. You guys have truly contributed. I'm not sure anyone knows, we do this all internally - just these two guys have spent HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of hours planning this, and the last 6 months it's been consuming. I'm saying this as I'm myself thankful for such a good outcome - they truly deserve that credit.

Thank you guys and also to the other key helpers (I hope I don't miss someone) - Sandi, Brian, Brad, Janni, Randall, Jill, Don, Kurt, Bridgett, myself, and the 8 VOA core team of directors. Work and testing came down to the very night before to make this perfect. Let's thank them for their work, and for their success. No will know if I don't say it and these guys have worked in the background with few people really knowing (and they kept it a secret - which is an additional shock).

Great work!!!!!

11-02-2015, 05:20 PM
30% in about ten hours.....THATS AWESOME!

Viper Girl
11-02-2015, 06:28 PM
This club is truly amazing. Tons of hard work to make this large of a event launch this smoothly...

Thanks to the awesome people behind the scenes!!!

Brian GTS
11-02-2015, 08:01 PM
Ummmm, okay, if Ed and Maurice are #1 and #2, then Alex has got to be #3!!! :) I'm certain Alex has spent countless hours organizing and implementing the registration process alone! Sooo, a BIG thanks to you too Alex as well as Ed, Maurice, and everyone else as well. Good folks in the VOA.

11-02-2015, 11:33 PM
What a great group of people that made this all possible. Thanks to everyone involved in making this awesome event happen.:dude3:

11-03-2015, 02:13 AM
Can we get an updated count?

Also, out of curiosity I would be interested to see what region has the highest percentage of attendees once it is all sold out. I'm kinda a bit of a data nerd and like what properly graphed data can show you, so that is the only reason why. I just want to see the breakdown. I think it would be cool.

11-03-2015, 08:19 AM
Can we get an updated count?

Also, out of curiosity I would be interested to see what region has the highest percentage of attendees once it is all sold out. I'm kinda a bit of a data nerd and like what properly graphed data can show you, so that is the only reason why. I just want to see the breakdown. I think it would be cool.



11-03-2015, 08:43 AM
Let's not make this a daily thing guys. ;.)

Over 40% at the 45 hour mark. And we don't want to publish specific regions (at least yet - it hasn't even been 2 full days!) because we don't want smaller regions or those that haven't notified their members to feel bad about it. I don't have an auto tally but that the very top is Southern Cal or IL.

11-03-2015, 09:28 AM
Great sign, this is going to be an awesome turnout.

A special thanks to all involved in putting it together..!

Yah, there is no way us smaller regions can compete with the bigger regions total count regarding attendees. But we might be able to get a larger percentage of attendees from our regions. Easier to get 10 out of 20 then 100 out of 200. I'm hoping to get a great turnout (50% member participation) from our small CenCal group. Its all good..!

Forget the Holidays, Is it May yet..?

11-03-2015, 12:24 PM
That's why I asked for highest percentage, not total attendees per region. And honestly, it's just my own need for data and graphs because I like to see things visually. I will give myself a wedgie now as appropriate punishment for my nerdness. But really I'm just interested for my own sake. I didnt mean to make any regions feel bad. Not my intention.

Im excited just to be going and also excited that so many people are that excited that they booked right away. The enthousiasm of this club is usually pretty palpable and this is another great example of that.

11-03-2015, 12:35 PM
....."because we don't want smaller regions or those that haven't notified their members to feel bad about it.

Participation trophies can't be too far away.lol

11-03-2015, 12:44 PM
Participation trophies can't be too far away.lol

"A participation trophy? This is literally a medal for sucking" -- Jonah Hill in the 21 Jump Street movie.

11-03-2015, 04:19 PM
That's why I asked for highest percentage, not total attendees per region. And honestly, it's just my own need for data and graphs because I like to see things visually. I will give myself a wedgie now as appropriate punishment for my nerdness. But really I'm just interested for my own sake. I didnt mean to make any regions feel bad. Not my intention.

Im excited just to be going and also excited that so many people are that excited that they booked right away. The enthousiasm of this club is usually pretty palpable and this is another great example of that.

I would think percentage wise a region close to the event should have a good showing!

11-03-2015, 04:33 PM
Exactly. Regions further away have a harder time coming down. Also, some regions have dispersed geography (less density) so fewer of their members may be "active" with their local club, so they may have fewer who will show at even these large events...

That's why I personally don't like throwing out certain statistics as people may draw wrong assumptions without knowing what impacts them. I also don't want to contribute to any competition here as it may hurt feelings, and we all know how you guys are... (just watch us at the track - we'll wreck a $100K for a $10 trophy) ;.)

However when I think of things that deserve an applause, things like the "person who drove their viper farthest", the "person who towed the farthest", the "person coming from the greatest distance".

11-05-2015, 04:33 PM
Thank you, it's been a pleasure to work with all involved! Plenty more for me to do. Can't say enough about Jill and the destination management team we have partnered with. With out them I'd still be spinning my wheels. We set the bar high on this one and we continue to raise it. Be sure to not miss this event!

11-05-2015, 04:59 PM
Glad its such a immediate success!

Hopefully I can register next month.

11-09-2015, 02:14 PM
Registration is at 47%. If you haven't registered yet, and want to be entered in the drawing for a free hotel stay at NVE, register soon! Cutoff is at 50%.

11-09-2015, 09:35 PM
Tickets and hotel are both taken care of. If ViperTony wins anything again I am kicking him in the nuts. Not in a mean way. But Ya know, just in a cause it needs done kind of way.

11-09-2015, 09:45 PM
If he wins again, I'm envisioning a line of people getting in a nut kicking line...

11-12-2015, 09:37 AM
If he wins again, I'm envisioning a line of people getting in a nut kicking line...

If I go (figures I have a major company event during NVE2 but trying to get out of it) I will not partake in the door prize drawing. So, no need for a nut-kicking line (at least for me) at NVE2. :witless:

Bill Pemberton
11-12-2015, 11:26 AM
Dear Tony ------ get out of the Company event, as we need your company there. Heh, I'll buy you a beer, ok, I'll buy you two beers, .................................and if Chuckie Tator is around you know he'll buy you a third! Oh, the incentives!

11-12-2015, 08:34 PM
Your company needs to learn how to schedule their events better.....