View Full Version : Arizona - NVE-2 Who is going?

11-01-2015, 11:29 AM
I am all signed up and rooms booked. Very easy and smooth!! So who else is going from AZ? :dude3:

11-01-2015, 06:52 PM
Just curious, are you driving your Viper or making other arrangements?

11-01-2015, 09:19 PM
Definitely will drive the Viper. Drove it to NVE1 in Detroit. Last month to Lake Tahoe. Its a lot of fun to caravan with other Viper friends and drive your own car at the track events. If you are thinking about going don't hesitate. You will be with good people who watch out for each other.

11-01-2015, 09:21 PM
Definitely will drive the Viper. Drove it to NVE1 in Detroit. Last month to Lake Tahoe. Its a lot of fun to caravan with other Viper friends and drive your own car at the track events. If you are thinking about going don't hesitate. You will be with good people who watch out for each other. I know there will be several other club members driving to NVE2.

11-01-2015, 10:59 PM
Tickets bought. And yes we will be driving the Viper because we aint no plane taking sissies.

11-02-2015, 01:30 PM
Also all signed up, and yes, we are driving. Probably planning on 3 day trip. Besides 'White Snake,' also have a yellow '14 TA going with us - looking for more! This will be a change from previous trips (Dallas, Detroit, Charlotte) because Kim will actually ride/drive with me (she always flew before), now that we're traveling in Gen V comfort.

11-02-2015, 02:26 PM
I'm all signed up and will definitely be driving. Last year's caravan with Eddie and Chris was a blast even though it rained thru Oklahoma. There's nothing better than driving cross country with this group of folks....so much fun it should be illegal.

Obviously we'll be taking the I-10 across NM and Texas, anybody care to start spit balling ideas for an itinerary?

11-02-2015, 05:33 PM
I'm all signed up and will definitely be driving. Last year's caravan with Eddie and Chris was a blast even though it rained thru Oklahoma. There's nothing better than driving cross country with this group of folks....so much fun it should be illegal.

Obviously we'll be taking the I-10 across NM and Texas, anybody care to start spit balling ideas for an itinerary?

As I recall from what I was told, parts of your drive were illegal.

I think there is already an itinerary in the works. It could be done in two ten (and change) hour days, but I believe the goal was a stop along the way to make it a three day of about 7hrs per day accounting for traffic. 7 hours on the road equals a ten hour day when you include gas/lunch/restroom breaks for the old guys with gigantic prostates.

11-03-2015, 08:11 PM
A three day trip, with roughly 7 hours a day on the road would result in over nights in El Paso and San Antonio. I've never been to El Paso, but the Riverwalk in San Antonio is pretty awesome and who doesn't remember the Alamo.

11-03-2015, 09:01 PM
Ozzie doesn't. But they sure remember him.

10 hour driving days are more like 12-13 hour days. That may be a tall order for a lot of people.

11-04-2015, 12:48 AM
10-12 hour days are easier to do when you are in the car by yourself. When we have a caravan of "x" number of cars you have to figure a little more frequent rest and pit stops for the various of needs of everyone. The more more people you have in the caravan the longer the rest stops take. No matter how well you plan it out it just takes longer and trying to do it in only 2 days becomes a real strain on everyone.

11-04-2015, 02:27 PM
A three day trip, with roughly 7 hours a day on the road would result in over nights in El Paso and San Antonio. I've never been to El Paso, but the Riverwalk in San Antonio is pretty awesome and who doesn't remember the Alamo.

I don't think anybody is advocating for a 2 day/ 10-12 per day trip. Largely for the reasons mentioned. But if we work under an assumption of a three day trip, my suggestion above works. Does anybody have any other suggestions? There's no harm in trying to rough some of this out now.

11-04-2015, 05:51 PM
I thought that sounded good. No day will be too long and should leave us with more to do than just crash at a hotel at night. El Paso is kinda a kooky town. They used to have pancho villa's finger for sale in a pawn shop there. But im sure we could stay at a nice place and find some good music.

The river walk sounds great.

11-04-2015, 06:04 PM
Just registered. Be good to bounce around different itineraries / days.

Also, I tried to get this to work in the past - but does anyone have experience with google maps or another program that would allow us to "see" each other on google maps? That way if we get separated or take different routes, we can quickly track each other down.

..... and ....... I'm really happy that there is now a cruise control available for the Gen 4. Could be the best $600 spent with a 1600 mile trip.

11-04-2015, 08:19 PM
Eddie and Mary Ann are registered and ready! It'll be our 25th Anniversary on the 11th. Come celebrate with us. Eddie's driving or trailering (extra spot available). MA is flying in on the 11th. Eddie will leave on the 8th to meet MA on our anniversary. :police-car-004::car-smiley-003:

11-04-2015, 11:23 PM
Eddie and Mary Ann are registered and ready! It'll be our 25th Anniversary on the 11th. Come celebrate with us. Eddie's driving or trailering (extra spot available). MA is flying in on the 11th. Eddie will leave on the 8th to meet MA on our anniversary. :police-car-004::car-smiley-003:

There it is ladies and gentlemen....the rare, annual Eddie Martin sighting on boards....it's almost a mythical event.

And i'm not even sure Eddie wrote that, he's not quite so egomaniacal to refer to himself in the third person.

Sounds like Eddie's down for a 3 day trip leaving on the 8th and arriving on the 11th.

11-04-2015, 11:24 PM
Just registered. Be good to bounce around different itineraries / days.

Also, I tried to get this to work in the past - but does anyone have experience with google maps or another program that would allow us to "see" each other on google maps? That way if we get separated or take different routes, we can quickly track each other down.

..... and ....... I'm really happy that there is now a cruise control available for the Gen 4. Could be the best $600 spent with a 1600 mile trip.

There's an app called Waze that supposedly allows you to see other, specific users. But i've never had anybody to try it out with so i can't really confirm. We'll have to try it out on one of our next trips.

11-05-2015, 02:39 AM
I think I'm on enough government watch lists that we should have an NSA or CIA drone with us at all times. That may be helpful.

Leadfoot, I will look into some apps, you do the same, and let's try em out next week.

11-05-2015, 03:45 AM
I tried waze and had limited success. Google + may be another option: https://support.google.com/plus/answer/3302509?hl=en

11-05-2015, 08:23 AM
Looks like I'll be going solo...since Elita will need to stay home and take care of the kid. :smilielol:

If Eddie still has room, maybe I'll take him up on that extra trailering spot (if someone else doesn't mind me riding in their car!)

11-06-2015, 12:46 PM
If anyone has room on a car carrier please let me know. This event sounds like it's going to be a blast!

11-06-2015, 04:09 PM
Drive you sissies!!!

11-06-2015, 10:42 PM
Drive you sissies!!!

Dave6666, is that you? :t1207: LOL!

Actually, driving there does sound like more fun. Just didn't want you to have to deal with yellow being in front of you for 2600 miles. :witless:

11-07-2015, 03:04 AM
Dave6666, is that you? :t1207: LOL!

Actually, driving there does sound like more fun. Just didn't want you to have to deal with yellow being in front of you for 2600 miles. :witless:

1500 miles to NOLA....and good luck staying in front of the BLUE!

11-07-2015, 08:47 AM
1500 miles to NOLA....and good luck staying in front of the BLUE!

I was talking round trip! :smilielol:

AZ Venom
11-07-2015, 05:38 PM
Peter and Jennifer are going too! But cant drive TO Nola, want to drive back tho. So Eddie or anyone else if space on the trailer we'd love to get a one way lift. Daughter is graduating from law school jut before NVE2 so we'll have to fly to Nola from Boulder.

11-08-2015, 12:24 AM
You guys are gonna have to start an arm wrestling tournament for the spot on Eddie's trailer assuming he actually decides to trailer he car.

11-08-2015, 09:06 AM
Howdy from Houston!

The 3 Texas regions along with the Oklahoma and possibly Colorado regions are planning a MASSIVE caravan to NOLA and would love it if ya'll would swing south through Texas and join us! How about 50-100 Vipers rolling into NOLA!!!! You could stop over in San Antonio, visit the Alamo and roll out with the South Central region and meet us in Houston. We continue west on I-10 and then meet up with North Texas and then . . . watch out Atchafalaya bridge here we come!

11-09-2015, 02:07 AM
Dave6666, is that you? :t1207: LOL!

Actually, driving there does sound like more fun. Just didn't want you to have to deal with yellow being in front of you for 2600 miles. :witless:

Calling me dave666? Oh them's fighting words.

Maybe yellow cars need towed cause they can't handle the mileage. Also, they say the owners of yellow cars tend to not be manly enough to handle the drive. It's basic science.

11-09-2015, 02:08 AM
You guys are gonna have to start an arm wrestling tournament for the spot on Eddie's trailer assuming he actually decides to trailer he car.

Good point. Is it a guarantee he isn't driving one of his Vipers?

11-09-2015, 02:11 PM
Good point. Is it a guarantee he isn't driving one of his Vipers?

I would be surprised to see him actually trailer his car all the way to NOLA. But i haven't talked to him recently so who knows. Maybe he'll show up for this weekends trip and we can discuss then.

- - - Updated - - -

Howdy from Houston!

The 3 Texas regions along with the Oklahoma and possibly Colorado regions are planning a MASSIVE caravan to NOLA and would love it if ya'll would swing south through Texas and join us! How about 50-100 Vipers rolling into NOLA!!!! You could stop over in San Antonio, visit the Alamo and roll out with the South Central region and meet us in Houston. We continue west on I-10 and then meet up with North Texas and then . . . watch out Atchafalaya bridge here we come!

I think most of the AZ club would love to roll in a caravan that deep. Keep us updated on the details and hopefully we can make the logistics work.

lets roll
11-09-2015, 06:40 PM
Ok everyone there will be 2 ways to go. I'm working on the 2 routes and places to stop. I'm looking forward to the drive there. NOLA here we come NVE2

Speedy G
04-27-2016, 03:08 PM
if you guys have iPhones you can use the findafriend app cable and i use it all the time when we travel to tacks, that way we can see where each other are at

04-27-2016, 05:29 PM
I think we had talked about using "waze". It shows where cops are and such. It flys through battery though. So be aware.

04-27-2016, 09:14 PM
I think we had talked about using "waze". It shows where cops are and such. It flys through battery though. So be aware.

We still haven't tried to use that....seem to keep forgetting to try out the group tracking function.

04-28-2016, 01:45 AM
Well we can try it on the trip. But there are 10 of us and we all have the same directions and stopping points, so, I'm not sure how it really improves the experience.