View Full Version : 2014 Yearly Planning Meeting January 18, 2014

12-15-2013, 04:44 PM
Great news for 2014!

The South Central Texas Viper Club planning meeting will be held January 18th 2014. We are currently looking for spaces large enough to have everyone for a small lunch while we discuss events for 2014. We already have a very large event in the works for this spring that will knock your socks off! We will discuss that more in depth at the meeting and review all questions, concerns and comments you may have.

In addition with the planning meeting we will discuss regional elections and the direction of our club with our newly voted in affiliation with the VOA.

More details will follow very soon with times and location, but in the meantime markdown January 18, 2014 for our planning meeting.

ALL Viper owners and enthusiasts are welcome to attend. We will discuss memberships, associate memberships, and may come up with some great questions to send to our new national board as well. Full participation is greatly encouraged, the more voices we have the better our region can be. If you can not make the date for the meeting please email in your comments, questions or concerns and we will address them for you. We have a new National club backing us and it is moving forward like a locomotive on full power.

One addition we will have for 2014 is a Social Committee, the committee will be planning a social event once a month (in addition to our drive events) to get us all out and become a tighter knit family over and above our love for the Viper. Yvette has already volunteered and we are looking for more to join her in this huge endeavor.

12-16-2013, 11:33 AM
Hi Kurt,

I'll volunteer my time and services for helping Yvette out with the newly formed Social Committee.

12-16-2013, 11:07 PM
Great mike! Appreciate that. I'll pass on your email to her.

12-17-2013, 12:38 PM
What time do you think it'll be?

12-18-2013, 05:16 AM
Will try and make it an early lunch so we have plenty of time In the day to discuss options.

12-19-2013, 06:31 PM
Though I have not discussed with Kurt, I believe that we should vote on a new SCT board, excluding the president's position. I think that is only fair to all SCT VOA members. I suggest that we exclude the president from this vote based on the great leadership that Kurt has provided in the past and during the transition. Based on comments of old VCA members, I feel as though members are rejuvenated and ready to perform or more roles such as Mike has suggested above. It is important that we have a very active Board and to be honest, the only one that has been active is Kurt and Yvette. I for one can say that I have left room for improvement.

It will be interesting how others feel about this position?

12-20-2013, 10:11 AM
Though I have not discussed with Kurt, I believe that we should vote on a new SCT board, excluding the president's position. I think that is only fair to all SCT VOA members. I suggest that we exclude the president from this vote based on the great leadership that Kurt has provided in the past and during the transition. Based on comments of old VCA members, I feel as though members are rejuvenated and ready to perform or more roles such as Mike has suggested above. It is important that we have a very active Board and to be honest, the only one that has been active is Kurt and Yvette. I for one can say that I have left room for improvement.

It will be interesting how others feel about this position?

Chris I completely understand you position and it will be a topic at this meeting. You and I both as well as the rest of the board have served our term and only due to the VOA affiliation we did not conduct elections this month. With the new affiliation and difficulties it will be to get things up and moving I suggest the current board (if VOA members) stay on for a short 12 month extension to get things moving for everyone, and hold an election close to Thanksgiving/Christmas 2014. Chris you say you have not done much yet you have been instrumental in getting our Region put together as a legal entity again after so many years of neglect. Without you we would have no region and you deserve the entire credit for that.

We will vote and make these types of decisions on the 18th, but this is a great start. These are items I am looking for. And if the members choose to hold an election now then that is 100% okay with me too. It is the members club, what they vote on goes.

12-27-2013, 11:14 PM
Location has been found. We have been there before but it is always good, this time we will have a private room upstairs at Smitty's in Lockhart. It is about a 45 minute drive from San Antonio and about 30 minutes from Austin so a good neutral point to sit, eat too much, and discuss 2014.

Email will follow soon.

12-31-2013, 11:48 AM
To ALL Viper owners and enthusiasts!

It's time for our yearly meeting to outline our events for 2014!

Event: Yearly planning meeting (followed by a spirited cruise) All members past, present and future are encouraged to join us!

Meeting place: Smitty's Market (http://www.smittysmarket.com/)
Upstairs dining hall
208 S Commerce St
Lockhart, TX 78644

Time: January 18th 2014- Meet at 10AM, buy an early lunch, meeting to be held 10:30AM upstairs dining hall

Description/special instructions:

It's already a New Year! Not sure where 2013 went but it was an awesome year with the AMLS Race, the Rendezvous and hanging out with all our other Viper family from around the nation including the entire SRT race team, Ralph Gilles, Dick Winkles and many of our friends and generous sponsors such as Ben Keating and Bernie Katz from ViperExchange (http://www.viperexchange.com/), Jason Tiefenauer with Wrench Mob Motorsports (http://www.wrenchmobmotorsports.com/), and Racing Solutions Inc. (RSI) (http://www.racingsolutions.com/) Without great people and sponsors like we had in 2013 we could never have events as cool as the Rendezvous.

Onward t0 2014! You all voted to dissolve our regions affiliation with the VCA and are now a proud affiliation with Viper Owners Association (http://www.driveviper.com/)! The VOA is really turning into the club we have always asked for and membership is HUGE, more than we ever expected this quickly! Over 1000 members in less than 8 weeks of registration. If you have not signed up you have a few hours left today to do so and be a listed as a Charter Member, a founding member of the VOA for life. Only one chance at getting that, and it ends today.

2014 will see the formation of a dedicated social committee, we are actively seeking volunteers for this. Currently we have 4 people in the committee and all helped put together ideas for this Yearly meeting. The purpose of this committee is to formulate and organize social events for the club both internally and cooperative with other regions. To bring us together as a family not just a car owner. I think they are off to a great start and we welcome anyone else who would like to join or provide ideas.

In this meeting we will discuss elections, monthly events for the entire year, one if not two multi regional events as well as fundraiser and charity work.

It is our chance to start fresh as a VOA region. With every ones help we can be one of the biggest and best regions in the nation. We have some of the best people, roads, and cars in the nation. With your help we can put those three ingredients together and make one heck of a club in 2014!

All members past, present and future are encouraged to join us! We will be in the dining hall upstairs (if you need help finding it ask James, he is the manager). We will have regional associate members for all you Ram SRT10 owners as well as past members who would still like to come out and play. We will discuss more in depth what an associate member is at the meeting as well.

So everyone come on out and enjoy some of the best BBQ Texas has to offer, learn a bit more about our new club and above all let your opinion be heard on what we do in 2014! We have so many fantastic ideas out there, share them all!