View Full Version : What a GREAT TIME IN THE NW....

08-17-2015, 07:24 PM
So we ran our Annual Lewis River Run yesterday and the weather was perfect. My wife and I met up with Mr. Baker and his wife and also his friend and his son, who were driving Mr. Bakers other viper. We then drove to La Center WA. for the main meeting place. There we met up with 7 other viper and enjoyed a little picture fest. LOL We also had two new couples that had joined us for the day Janet and Dean in their beautiful red vert and also Kris and his wife Kelly in their beautiful Sapphire Blue ACR. We then rolled thru the beautiful countryside enjoying some spirited driving thru the twisties. We all stopped at the little market we always do for some quick snacks. Then we proceeded up to the Ape Caves and filled one whole side of the lot. LOL. After some time there we rolled back down and had lunch, after which it was time for some more twisty roads. One of our members invited us all back to her beautiful home for some great convo and relaxation. Later on it was unfortunately time to head home. Its always a great day when the VOA gets together. I'm no photographer and these were taken on my cell so be gentle LOL......12641 12642126431264412645

08-17-2015, 07:28 PM

08-17-2015, 07:32 PM