View Full Version : Squeak, Rubbing, Popping Noise

08-14-2015, 05:19 PM
I've got this rubbing, popping noise that has always been there and I thought it was the passenger side rear brake duct like others have experienced. Today I finally figured out what it is... It is actually the where the roof section meets up with the lower rear fender. You can push down with a single finger in the areas I'm showing and it gives and moves enough to produce sounds. The drivers side is tight and doesn't do this... Any ideas if this is something that can be adjusted and tightened up a bit? I looked around, but it seems that all of the fasteners are going to be behind the rear outer fender and that would have to be removed. Anyone else have this issue?

http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s231/ULragin_cajun/20150814_170037.jpg_zpsyuy9l9qk.jpeg (http://s153.photobucket.com/user/ULragin_cajun/media/20150814_170037.jpg_zpsyuy9l9qk.jpeg.html)

http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s231/ULragin_cajun/20150814_170052.jpg_zpsrtawu6tz.jpeg (http://s153.photobucket.com/user/ULragin_cajun/media/20150814_170052.jpg_zpsrtawu6tz.jpeg.html)

08-15-2015, 12:59 PM
Mine does the exact same thing. Squeaks like crazy when you press down on those places.

08-15-2015, 04:14 PM
I went out to the garage and pushed pretty hard on each of those point on either side. They were rock solid. No noises etc. :confused:

08-15-2015, 08:40 PM
Mine are solid and don't move at all. I adjusted one of my fender panels as the alignment / gaping was different from one side of the car to the other. In doing that adjustment, it appears that the body panels are secured in multiple locations with screws. So perhaps you can confirm all your attachment locations are 100% tight